Common questions and answers
Here we list the most common questions that we receive regarding mileage logs and how to get started with WorkMirror. If your query is not covered by the answers below, do not hesitate to contact us. Everyone here in our support team are happy to help and answer your queries.
A mileage log documents a vehicle’s journeys and keeps track of times and distances for each trip. The GPS-unit, is often situated in the car and records exact distance of all journeys and often supports the Tax authority’s requirement for documentation.
The HMRC’s set requirements for documentation for the company’s operation. An approved mileage log must contain the HMRC’s requirement for documentation. An approved milage log must contain: Date, Starting address, stopping address, purpose of the journey (business or personal) and the journey mileage.
There are two main areas where there is great potential for cost savings. 1) Reduce the amount of private journeys which affects time as well as fuel consumption. 2) Optimisation of the vehicle fleet. By monitoring how the cars are used you can easily adjust the amount of cars based on reality. Savings vary from case to case but it is not unusual with cost savings between 10-15%.
We have a simple and easy on-boarding which will let you get started right away. Watch the guide on how to get started here.
Your meter reading is calculated with the help of the device’s GPS and also calibrates manually when you feel there is a need.
OBD is the cars diagnostic’s socket. The socket is usually used by car mechanics for analysis and troubleshooting of the car’s control system. From the OBD-socket you can also get power and read the car’s data or meter readings. OBD has been a standard on all cars sold in the EU since 2001. The socket placement depends on the manufacturer and model, but the most common place is behind the instrument panel, under the steering wheel or between the driver’s seats.
You can easily disconnect the device from the car you intend to replace and can then connect it to another vehicle of your choice.
You can easily generate a new password at https://app.workmirror.com by using the email-address to which your account is linked.
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